We thank You Lord, that Joe is home again. We pray Your continued healing in his life. Restore him to complete health we pray.
SCRIPTURAL BASIS FOR WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY Why do we praise God? “The people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.” Isaiah 43:20-22
ALTAR FLOWERS This week’s flowers are placed by the United Methodist Women honoring all graduates.
TO HONOR AND THANK DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT DAVID A. TINOCO UPON HIS RETIREMENT A Fiesta honoring our retiring District Superintendent will be held Sunday, June 3rd, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at Riverside First United Methodist Church. A money tree will be decorated to give to the Tinocos. Money tree gifts may be brought in and clearly marked “Tinoco money tree.” These checks should be made out to Riverside District Union.
GRADUATION Next Sunday, June 10th, the UMW will be hosting a Graduation Celebration for all our Graduates. Please let Elizabeth Golden or the office know of anyone in our church who is graduating from college or high school or promoting from Elementary or Junior High School. Also Baccalaureate is at 5:00 p.m. at the Barstow High School Boy’s Gym.
SANDWICHES NEEDED Our church has been asked to provide sandwiches for next Sunday’s Baccalaureate. If you can make sandwiches please let Glenda Pearson know. Sandwiches need to be quartered and wrapped and brought to the BHS Boy’s Gym by 4:00 p.m.
MAVERICKS BASEBALL Mark your calendars now for Mavericks night, Sunday, July 22, @ 2:00 p.m. Price for tickets is $5 per person. Children under 3 are free. This year 20% of each ticket sold will go to our church. This is a fun time of fellowship. Plan now to attend. More information will be forthcoming. OFFERING ENVELOPES Please remember to pick up offering envelopes for the General Fund and the Building Fund from the Narthex or the Church office. If someone is unable to get to church please feel free to contact the church office and we will be happy to mail them.
FROM OUR MISSION COMMITTEE Our covenant missionaries, Lydia and Joseph Templeton will be with us on Sunday, June 24th for the morning service and an all-church lunch following. You will hear more about this but do plan to come. You will be so moved to hear about the work these people do in central Los Angeles - especially foster children.
We have been hearing about problems at Desert Manna but things are looking up. We want to support and encourage this wonderful shelter for the homeless. Jesus reminds us (Matt 25:35-40) "Feed the hungry and care for the sick - comfort the lonely." Desert Manna is a wonderful way of reaching out and we thank God for it.
COMMEMORATIVE MUGS & directory/history books. Commemorative mugs are still available for purchase. Also, directory/history books are available for those who have not received one. Please see Joyce Jeffries after service today.