Seven Good Reasons Why We Changed Worship Time

by Pastor J. T. Kim

I hope and pray that the following �Seven Good Reasons� would help you to understand for God�s glory and honor. I�d like to use seven �E�s:
(7) �Economy� reason for our energy savings: As you are aware of the current situation, the utilities have gone up! Combining two services into one would make a big difference in our energy conserving stewardship.
(6) �Efficiency� reason for our time management: There are some members who come early in the morning and stay late for various church activities and meetings. So after the change, for some people, they don�t have to rush to the church early in the morning. And for some people, they don�t have to wait until the middle of the day for Sunday Worship. 10:30 a.m. is the best time for now. Of course, we can create more Worship services any time when this sanctuary overflows. With this current change, we can have good time efficiency.
(5) �Effectiveness� reason for our ministries: As a Church, we always need to be sensitive to our effectiveness in ministries. When something is not working, we must either change or modify to improve our missions. If we insist on our �No Change� mentality, then we would either stop growing or dying. We must open our hearts to our new change for our ministry effectiveness.
(4) �Edification� reason for our members: We normally call 8:30 service as �Contemporary Service� and 11:00 service as �Traditional Service.� By combing these two services into one, we can be really united one in Christ. When only few people attend the contemporary service, it would be better for us to have one service so that we can worship together, edify together, and fellowship together. And this reason also leads to the next one.
(3) �Eternity� reason for our community of faith: It is true that while some people prefer �traditional� service style other people prefer �contemporary� service format. But when you go to heaven, would God ask you �Hmm.. you have attended �contemporary� worship services�O.K. you may enter into �contemporary heaven. And you attended �traditional services�? O.K. you can enter that way, �traditional heaven�? It�s just a worship style you prefer, not the essence of the gospel of Christ.
(2) �Education� reason for our young generations: We usually say our children are our �future.� Indeed, our children are our �present.� Without young generations, our church would have to soon retire (?). But there is no such thing in God. So we must continue to grow, bearing good fruits. So our church must put our priority on our Christian Education. Somehow we�ve been having children�s programs as some kind of �babysitting� or �child Care� programs for the adult congregation. Now it�s the time our focus should be on our children. With our time change, we can strengthen our educational ministries.
And, the (1) reason why we change our worship time effective April 1st. It�s �Easy to remember.� April 1st is regarded as a special day � �April Fool�s Day.� Since this day is on Sunday, at least the worship time change is not a joke! And also this is the day this year�s Daylight Savings Time begins. So, when you change your clock or your watch at home, it�s easy to remember our new worship time!
God bless you!!
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