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September 2001 Newsletter:

"Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"

- The People of the United Methodist Church -

An exciting and dynamic ministry of the United Methodist Church is beginning as of September 4th this year. It is called "Igniting Ministry," developed by the United Methodist Communications. On July 28th, Bob Rees, Fred Broadhead, and I, as our local church's team, had attended one of the training seminars, which was held in Glendale First UMC.

This nation-wide media campaign highlights the United Methodist Church and its people and ministries and will begin airing its "commercials" on cable stations and CBS. The theme is "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors" emphasizing on welcoming new visitors and embracing them with God's love.

�During the training seminar, we were able to receive a great deal of information and resources for our own use. This new ministry not only promotes the TV commercials but also suggesting the use of other media as well, such as radio ads, newspapers, billboards, flyers, door hangers, and so forth. Indeed, this would be an excellent evangelism project!

It is really good to implement all the means of the high-tech media and promotional resources. However, I am more grateful that this ministry creates a whole new setting of evangelism. As we welcome, saying that we have "Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors," we can really mean it by our transformations. Rather than being stuck in our "comfort zone" with our "old good" friends, let us meet new people, and let us welcome them in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Moreover, this "Igniting Ministry" is not the end. This is a beginning. From this welcoming ministry, we can continue to minister to them so that they can grow and be mature in Christ through Bible Studies and Small Groups. I am happy that I will be leading both "Disciple I" and "Disciple II" classes, starting in September. I'd like to invite you to the Bible Studies. And our Great Commission continues.

I have noticed that some of us are still not comfortable with these new things happening in our church. Yet, we should remember who we are all the time. We are the people of the United Methodist Church with "Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors."

In September, there will be many event and activities, including a Consecration Service for the new Christian Education & Administration building. As we witness in our lives, God is continually pouring out His blessings upon us. And now it is our move to respond to His love and will.

Love and blessings,

Pastor J. T. Kim

Stewardship - - A Matter of Priorities

We can discuss Christian stewardship in many ways - as a way of life, stewardship as a partnership with God and the importance of stewardship to the church. To the individual church member it is a matter of priorities. In a Christian sense, a steward is a manager of the affairs of God on earth. Everything we have is given to us by God - talents, time, health, relationships, property, money, the Gospel and the environment. As a Christian steward we serve God out of love and gratitude for these gifts, knowing that it is not how much we have but what we do with what we have.

Jesus gave us a good example of stewardship in the feeding of the five thousand. First of all, Jesus asked the disciples for all the food available among the multitude, which happened to be a little boy's five loaves of bread and two fish. It should be noted Jesus didn't tell the disciples to go buy more needed to feed the large crowd. He simply said to give him all the food available from those present. Jesus then took the five loaves and two fish and asked God to bless the food for Jesus knew that God's blessing was necessary in order to feed so many people at once. God then blessed the food and enough food was provided to feed the multitude and 12 baskets leftover to feed the poor not present.

This simple formula that Jesus followed in feeding the five thousand is the key to being a good steward of God's gift to us of talents, time, resources and opportunities to spread the Gospel to those who are lost and without the fold of God's great salvation. Anne Graham Lotz in her book "Just Give Me Jesus" explains Christian stewardship as related to Jesus' feeding the five thousand:

"The disciples gave it all, Jesus took it all, God blessed it all, Jesus broke it all, Jesus supplied it all, the disciples gave it all, and the multitude was feed."

For us who profess to be Christian stewards, this simple formula will work for us today. It doesn't matter whether we have one talent or five, one loaf of bread or five loaves or how much money we have available. Just give what we have to Jesus. God will bless it, and the needs of a multitude or a party of one will be met.

Priorities of a Christian steward are set forth in Luke 6:33: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you as well."

Christian stewardship has utmost importance for our lives today but, more importantly, will determine how we spend eternity.

Fred Broadhead Stewardship Chair

by Thelma Glenn, Prayer Coordinator

Where has the summer gone? It seems that only yesterday we were celebrating Easter; then it was Memorial Day and then school was out!

Now it is time for school to begin again. There will be little children walking or getting off busses as they return to school. They are so full of the joy of life that many times they do not look for traffic. We adult drivers must be extra cautious and aware of the children. We surely do not want to hit anyone with our autos.

As Christians we must be aware of the children and their needed training in leading a full spiritual life. We first taught them to crawl and then walk and run. We need to lead them in the paths of a good spiritual life and the love of God. This means we have to start with the basics and slowly lead them to the fulfilling love that God gives us. He is always there, so let us be ready to lead the little children in the way He has taught us.

The children are our future.


All men of the church are invited to the UMM's Breakfast on Saturday, September 15th, at the Church. This is a great time to fellowship with other men and share your prayer concerns.

The next Salad and Sandwich Luncheon will be Sunday, September 23rd, Consecration Sunday, following the morning service. Everyone is invited to attend. There will be a freewill donation for this luncheon.�

The annual UMM Fall Retreat is September 28th -30th. Anyone interested in attending needs to contact Ben Martinez at 252-8037 as soon as possible.

By Elizabeth Golden, President

As a finale to the summer break, the United Methodist Women enjoyed an evening of good food and fellowship at the home of Ruth Price in August.

They will begin their fall season on Monday, September 17. Executive Board will meet at 11 a.m. A luncheon will be enjoyed by all at 12 Noon followed by a planning session for future programs and activities. Mizpah Link will meet on its usual day, Thursday, September 20, at 1 p.m.

UMW members are looking forward to attending the Riverside District Fall Meeting on Saturday, September 22 at the Upland First United Methodist Church. The keynote speaker is Dr. Frances Grace, a professor of religious studies at the University of Redlands. Her topic is "Carrie Nation: Retelling the Life." Registration and luncheon is $8.00, with reservations due by September 17.

Please watch the Sunday bulletins for information and details about coming events. All women of the church are warmly invited to participate in all UMW activities.


The UMW "Pennies for Children" is an ongoing project. Please continue to save your pennies for this special project. This money is sent to UMCOR to help feed children who are victims of poverty. Together we can make a difference!


The United Methodist Men are hosting a Spaghetti Dinner,

Saturday, September 8th, 6:30 p.m.

Cost is $5 per person or

$12 maximum for a family of 3 or more.

Sunday, September 9th, the Covenant Players will be ministering in our morning worship service. This group exists to communicate the Lord Jesus Christ through the medium of drama. Begin now to invite friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. This is an evangelistic outreach so let's bring as many visitors as possible.

On Sunday September 23, 2001 a dream several years in the making will be realized. On that day we will consecrate our new Christian Education & Administration building. How exciting to see the hand of God working in our church! The day will begin with our regular worship service at 10:10 a.m. followed by a Salad and Sandwich luncheon. A Consecration service will take place at 1:30 p.m. and an Ice Cream Social will conclude the day's festivities. Everyone is asked to bring their favorite homemade ice cream or dessert. Freezer space will be available if you want to bring them in prior to morning worship service.

September's Blood Drive will be
Tuesday, September 11th, 1- 6:00 p.m.


The church's web site is an excellent opportunity for the groups to publish up coming events and tell others just what all has been happening. This includes using photos and stories about your activities. Photos should include both group pictures and some close ups. Indoor group pictures do not expose very well as the flash on most cameras only have enough light to illuminate the first six to eight feet. Beyond that distance the rest of the subjects appear to be standing in the shadows, or check your camera or flash manual for its recommendations Great things may be happening every week that are being kept a secret because you did not tell any body or ask for help with the story. Take a look at the church's website, then tell us just what may be missing. With your help we can all be on the Church Internet.
George Farner�



The questions are many,
The answers are few.
What's in the Bible
And how much is true?
Where should I start
In the front or the back?
It's a very large book
And that is a fact.
I know that the stories
have morals and such.
Is there more to it
Will I learn that much?
I know there is symbolism
Somewhere inside
But I'm not sure where
I could use a guide.
Abraham, Moses,
David and Saul.
What are the details?
Tell me it all.
Who is Jesus?
And why was he here?�
I know bits and pieces�
But it'snot really clear.�
If these are your questions�
And you don't really know
The answers to life�
And the way you should go,�
Disciple Bible Study�
Is where you should go�
You will get the answers�
To all you don't know.�
I was looking for answers�
In all the wrong places�
But found them among�
My Disciple group's faces.�
As we talked and encountered�
The Word of the Lord�
I learned that the Bible�
Is the same as the sword.
It is our weapon�
To fight evil ways�
That we've fallen into�
In all of our days.�
I have gained so much knowledge�
From short readings each day
And once a week meetings Was a small price to pay.�
For now I understand
That no matter where�
Always and forever�
The Lord, our God, is there!

If you were wondering�
''WHY'' DISCIPLE Bible study, the poem says it all. If you're wondering ''HOW'' and ''WHEN'' DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY,�
please give me a call.

Pastor J. T. Kim (760)256-2932
(Please copy and return to First United Methodist Church - 608 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA 92311

Barstow First United Methodist Church Disciple Bible Study Registration Form




Birthday ____________________________

Day time Phone ______________________

Evening Phone ______________________
.-- I would like to be in a Disciple Bible Study group.
. I would like more information about Disciple Bible Study.
Best times for me to attend a weekly Disciple Bible study are these:�
(please check all possibilities)
. Sunday . Tuesday . Thursday
. Monday . Wednesday . Friday
. Saturday
. Morning . Afternoon . Evening
. I will need help arranging childcare.
. Other:

Additional information, comments or needs:




(Adapted from "Spiritual Gifts, The Prayer of Jabez and `Mousetrap'" by Rev. Larry Davies) https://www.sowingseedsoffaith.com/PrayerofJabez.htm

There is a virtually unknown Bible character hidden in I Chronicles 4:9-10 named Jabez, whose name means, "pain." What a name! After giving birth, his mother names him "pain." Yet, Jabez apparently overcame his "painful" background because he alone is singled out as being blessed by God. Why? Because Jabez said a prayer and as we discover in verse 10 God granted his request. Obviously, this is a very special prayer.

So, let's examine this prayer more carefully:

  • Oh, that you would bless me indeed_ sounds selfish at first but Bruce Wilkinson describes blessings as supernatural favors from God. Asking for a blessing is seeking the power of God to flow through you. You are requesting miracles so don't be surprised when God provides.
  • And enlarge my territory_ challenges you to go beyond what is comfortable. Today as you begin your day ask God to look for someone or something new in your life. Take risks for God.
  • That your hand would be with me_ Stepping beyond what is comfortable can be dangerous. You are in uncharted territory. Ask for God's Hand to look after you.
  • And that you would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain_ is simple recognition that you will be tempted in so many ways. Your success with this prayer can cause feelings of no longer needing God. There are more distractions and more temptations. A reminder that you always need God.
In the book "The Prayer of Jabez," the author Bruce Wilkinson issues a challenge: Every day for thirty days, use this prayer as often as possible. Paste copies wherever you can easily see it. Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain. Then simply be alert for what opportunities God sends your way. Will you take the challenge?

This year "See You At The Pole" is Wednesday, September 19th. Students are encouraged to gather at the flagpole of their schools at least 30 minutes prior to school to pray. Here's a little history of how SYATP was started.

A small group of teenagers in Burleson, Texas, came together for a DiscipleNow weekend in early 1990. They came seeking God. Little did they know how powerfully God was about to move! On Saturday night God penetrated their hearts like never before. The students were broken before God and burdened for their friends. Compelled to pray, they drove to three different schools that night. Not knowing exactly what to do, they went to the school flagpoles and prayed for their friends, schools, and leaders. Those students had no idea how God would use their obedience.

God used what He did among those teenagers and others who were holding similar prayer meetings at their schools to birth a vision in the hearts of youth leaders across Texas. The vision was that students throughout Texas would follow these examples and meet at their school flagpoles to pray simultaneously. The challenge was named See You at the Pole at an early brainstorming session. The vision was shared with 20,000 students in June 1990 at Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas.

Only God had envisioned how many students would step up to the challenge. At 7:00 a.m. on September 12, 1990, more than 45,000 teenagers met at school flagpoles in four different states to pray before the start of school.

A few months later, a group of youth ministers from all over the country gathered together for a national conference in Colorado. Many of them reported that their students had heard about the prayer movement in Texas and were equally burdened for their schools. No other events had been planned, but it was clear that students across the country would be creating their own national day of student prayer. There was no stopping them.


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