The Office of Civic Youth-Serving Agencies/Scouting encourages United
Methodist churches to use a community-based youth program for outreach.
This is evangelism in the best sense.
Reaching out to children, youth, and families, we receive them into
the life of the congregation.
We accept responsibility for nurturing and equipping them for ministry,
and for sending them to invite others. |
Currently, our church has a very exciting relationship with four agencies,
Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts- of the United States, Camp Fire Boys
and Girls, and 4-H.
In 1995 numbers advanced to 12,000 churches. These figures reflect
the success of the effort to reach 1.2 million youth and 20,000 churches
by 1999. What an improvement from the figure of 200,000 at the beginning
in 1980! |