On May 13, Mother’s Sunday, 2001, we had our church’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, and it was a huge “success.” The sanctuary was packed with many happy people -- new and old friends and families of our church. There was literally a “human” traffic jam in the narthex area with people greeting, hugging, laughing, and so forth. At 10:30 a.m. the worship began with a Prelude (organist Lynn Frazee) and Fanfare of Celebration (Ken Mack and Eric Jones) followed by the Procession. The acolyte for this special service was Paula Haskell. The chancel choir members and all worship leaders participated in the Procession. All clergy members wore red stoles, for this was our church’s birthday indeed - the color “red” for Pentecost. Bob Rees, Lay Leader, greeted the congregation and Pastor Kim welcomed and recognized all the pastors, including Bishop Mary Ann Swenson and her husband, Jeff, community dignitaries, and one of the two living charter members, Elaine Finch. Since this was Mother’s Day, the United Methodist Men honored all mothers with beautiful carnations.
After the children’s time led by June Saunders, the Rev. Youngstone Jhun, who was Pastor from 1997 through 1999, led us in Unison Prayer of Invocation. The Rev. Galal Gough, who had served as Riverside District Superintendent from 1977 through 1983, led the Affirmation of Faith, and the Rev. Glenn Balch, Jr., who was Pastor from 1966 through 1970, read the Scripture from John 13:31-35. The Chancel Choir performed the beautiful anthem “Jesus Died For Us,” directed by Dr. Kenneth Mack and flute solo by Jane Sievers. Bishop Mary Ann Swenson preached an inspiring sermon, titled “It’s All about Love,” and Mayor Lawrence Dale gave us a warm congratulatory word. The Rev. Ernest Frischle, who had served as an Interim Pastor in 1991, led a Pastoral Prayer, followed by Pastor Kim’s Prayer for those on our Prayer List. An Offertory was dedicated by Nancy Tharp; she sang “Alabaster Box.” The Rev. David A. Tinoco, our District Superintendent, gave us the Benediction, and blessed the Luncheon Fellowship.
At 1:30 p.m., after the big feast of a sandwich and salad buffet, Reminiscence began in the sanctuary. The “Jubilee” band led praises, and Pastor Kim presented a special multi-media show, “Thank You: 50 Years in God’s Service,” using Microsoft PowerPoint. Letters and greetings from previous pastors and members were shared, and a great deal of memories were also shared by three previous pastors, Glenn Balch, Ernest Fristchle, and Youngstone Jhun, and two District Superintendents, Galal Gough and David Tinoco.
Furthermore, Charter Member Elaine Finch shared her wonderful memories. In behalf of the Rev. Jordan Detzer, Ruth Price read his letter, and Bob Rees read the letter from Rev. Bill Cutter, who is now in Korea. And in behalf of the Rev. James Dinkel, Shirley Mills shared some fond memories when he was pastor here. Fred Broadhead read the e-mail from Elmer and Barbara Tornquist, and Kenneth Mack read the card from Charles and Maralyn Gregory. Furthermore, Liz Martinez read one of the congratulatory letters from other churches.
Our church’s 50th Anniversary Celebration is a very important milestone to give thanks in the life of the Body of Christ. We give many thanks to God for what He has done through our church. We believe that God will continue to bless us and to strengthen us as we do our best to proclaim the gospel of Christ and to make disciples of Christ for the next 50 years and many more!
Dear Friends at Barstow UMC:
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary of ministry and service in the Barstow community. You have a wonderful record, one in which you can truly find pride and satisfaction.
I wish that we could be with you but that will not be possible. Please offer my greetings to the former pastors and friends who may remember the early 70's. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you on that Sunday morning.
Sincerely, Robert B. Weirbach & Wife Nancy Former District Superintendent
Dear Friends at FUMC, Barstow,
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary Jubilee Celebration! Wish we could be there, but we will miss it by a couple of weeks. We plan to go to Phoenix towards the end of May and will circle up through Barstow on our way home, which could be the first part of June. I know there have been interesting changes made in the buildings since we were there last and we will be anxious to see them and all of you. … Thanks again for the invitation to your celebration. We regret that we cannot be there at that time, but perhaps we will see many of you later in the month.
If any of you are in our part of the country, please drop in and see us.
Love to all of you, Elmer & Barbara Tornquist
Greetings and Best Wishes to all. We'd love to join you for the 50th Anniversary of Barstow FUMC. However we will be attending Karen's graduation from Northern Kentucky University on May 12 and will not be returning to California until May 19. Hope all is well with all of our friends in Barstow. … Again, congratulations on your 50th Anniversary of service. Sincerely, Eric & Judy Ziegler
Dear Friends in Barstow, We thank you for the invitation to join you on this day of celebration for your Fiftieth Anniversary. We regret that we are unable to join you as a group on this special day in the life of God’s church in Barstow. We take joy in knowing that you built in accordance with Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:24-25.
God’s Blessings on all of His people. Yucca Valley United Methodist Church
Dear Friends,
We’d hoped to be with you to celebrate. However, Seanne had major surgery and is still incapacitated and needs lots of care. We cannot leave her at this time.
All our family has such wonderful memories of our times there at the church. Many wonderful people helped all of us grow spiritually. Now we see the seeds you planted bear fruit in the lives of our children and their children.
We hope you have a wonderful celebration.
In His Name, Charles & Maralyn Gregory
Dear Pastor J. T. Kim and all our friends at Barstow First United Methodist Church:
We are so sorry we will be unable to attend the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Barstow First United Methodist Church. Our Granddaughter Allison is getting her Masters of Education Degree Sunday in San Diego. She is our first granddaughter to get her Masters Degree and we are all so proud of her. She has been teaching Kindergarten the last two years and working towards this day, just sorry it had to be the same day as your WONDERFUL CELEBRATION! Please know that Don and I will be with you in spirit as you all recall the wonderful happenings and friends of these past 50 years! We were in Barstow for 22 years of the 50 years and we have so many fond memories.
We hope to be able to join you in Church soon. We miss you all and look forward to coming up for a nice visit. We would love having you visit us in Redlands any time.
May God give you another 50 years serving Him in Barstow.
We love you all, Betty and Don Kuhns
Greeting in the Name of Christ:
Your sister congregation, Emmanuel United Methodist Church, offers our greetings and congratulations as you prepare to celebrate your 50th anniversary celebration on May 13th.
There have been some wonderful years in the First United Methodist Church in Barstow. The image of Methodism in this locality has been greatly enhanced by the ministry of your church. Your longevity is a tribute to a group of dedicated laity and clergy who have staunchly insisted on being faithful to Christ through good times and bad. We are inspired by your record of persistence and accomplishment.
Of particular importance to us, you have had a number of individuals who have been willing to reach out beyond the local church to enrich our connectional linkages. We do appreciate the strength, fervor and intelligence that have been brought to collective Methodism by such individuals. We are also, of course, thankful for Pastor Ji Tae Kim who has been an effective clergy member of our District.
We celebrate with you. Your joy is also our joy, your challenges are also our challenges. But May 13th is a day we put all struggles aside and savor the moment. Today is the time to celebrate "Jubilee."
May God's riches blessings be with you on your 50th anniversary congregation of Emmanuel UMC joins me in sending you this greeting.
Sincerely, Donald H. Inloes, Pastor Emmanuel Church, San Bernardino, CA
Dear Rev. Kim, Thank you for your gracious letter of February 6th regarding Barstow’s Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration.
Unfortunately I don’t think I can be with you. … Please give my best wishes to your congregation. I have fond memories, and some stories of my tenure there that I have retold numerous times.
With God’s Love, Rev. James Oliver
…This church was a great inspiration to my family and I. The memories of great friendships and events will always be with us. … I regret not being with you today but health and travel restrictions keep me from being there. I wish you God’s riches blessing s and also to our wonderful new Bishop!
Loving all of you, Rev. Jordan and Jeanne Detzer
Dear Members and Friends,
The members and friends of The Hesperia United Methodist Church wish to express their congratulations to The Barstow United Methodist Church upon the church's celebration of their 50th Anniversary.
As a small token of you reaching this milestone in your history, our church would like to offer $50.00 to be used through any Cokesbury store. Please contact our church office to arrange for this gift.
May you continue to serve the Barstow community as a faithful local congregation of The United Methodist Church for another fifty years! God's blessings to every member and friend of The Barstow United Methodist Church!
Sincerely, Rev. Bob Wicherts
Dear Reverend Kim, Sisters, and Brothers in Christ
Grace and peace to you. Your celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of First UMC Barstow is a special one. If we may, we will celebrate from afar. Congratulations on such faithful service. Our memory of serving with the saints of Barstow and the surrounding area from July, 1991 through June, 1997, is wonderful. You will always be in our hearts and souls. It matters not the distance but the love which is shared across the miles. ... Again, congratulations on the 50th Anniversary of The First United Methodist Church of Barstow. May God bless your hands, your hearts, and your love.
Grace and peace, Reverend William & Pamela Cutter and family
Rev. Kim,
Thank for the invitation to attend the First United Methodist Church's 50th Anniversary celebration on May 13, 2001. Your church is a cornerstone of the local congregations, and I wish you the very best at your celebration and at least another 50 years of God's blessing.
I would very much like to attend; however, I will be out of state at my daughter's college graduation that weekend.
Please, extend my very best wishes to your congregation during your anniversary celebration. I will be thinking of you and will keep all in my prayers.
Paul Luellig Council Member, City of Barstow